Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think

I found this great article on how to stop caring what other people think. Basically, most people, if not all, care so much about what others think, which I think is quite normal. We all want to be accepted and feel a sense of belonging. However, constantly seeking others approval actually hurt more than help. I used to have this problem when I was younger and I have educated myself on the subject so much that now at 26, I can confidently say that I hardly care what other people think of me. As long as what I'm doing isn't hurting or harming anyone, I think I have every right to do and speak as I wish.

So here's a summary of the article that I thought would be useful to anyone, including me to learn and grow. I can never learn or read enough about anything :)

Part 1: Meet Your Mammoth

An irrational and unproductive obsession with what other people think of us.

Part 2: Taming the Mammoth

Step 1: Examine yourself

1) Get to know your authentic voice

2) Figure out where the mammoth is hiding

  • The most obvious way to find the mammoth is to figure out where your fear is
  • The second place a mammoth hides is in the way-too-good feelings you get from feeling accepted or on a pedestal over other people.
  • A third area the mammoth is present is anywhere you don't feel comfortable making a decision without "permission" or approval from others.
3) Decide where the mammoth needs to be ousted.

Step 2: Gather Courage by Internalizing that the Mammoth Has a Low IQ

1) The mammoth's fears are totally irrational.

5 things the mammoth is incorrect about:
  • Everyone is talking about me and my life and just think how much everyone will be talking about it if I do this risky or weird thing.
  • If I try really hard, I can please everyone.
  • Being disapproved of or looked down upon or shit-talked about has real consequences in my life.
  • Really judgy people matter.
  • I'm a bad person if I disappoint or offend the person/people who love me and have invested so much in me.
Two other reasons why the mammoth's fearful obsession with social approval makes no sense
  1. You live here on earth and outside of this planet is eternal emptiness
  2. You and everyone you know are going to die. Kind of soon.
2) The mammoth's efforts are counterproductive.

  • AVs are interesting. Mammoths are boring.
  • AVs lead. Mammoths follow.
  • People gravitate towards AVs, not mammoths.
Step 3: Start Being Yourself

Almost nothing you're socially scared of is actually scary!!!



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