Saturday, March 21, 2015

Rules I Live By

Make peace with your past so it won't disturb your present.

What other people think of you is none of your business.

Time heals almost everything. Give it time.

No one is in charge of your happiness. Except you.

Don't compare your life to others and don't judge them, you have no idea what their journey is all about.

Stop thinking too much. It's alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.

Smile. You don't own all the problems in the world :)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

30 Things Smart Women Know By The Time They're 30

Live, love and learn!

1. The end of a relationship does not always have to be someone's fault or a rejection of you. Sometimes, it's just the end of something that wasn't right for you. Actually, it's always that.

2. No one has it all, but some people do make the best of what they have and take very good care of it. Those people tend to savor their lives a bit more.

3. The difference between "crazy in love" and "crazy" is one person letting go. If someone is still holding onto their love for you, show compassion, give closure, and offer kindness. A good character should not change with a title. On the flip-side, clinging onto a cold hand is not going to warm anyone's heart. There are ways to lick your wounds without demeaning yourself. Take time to find them.

4. Your habits today can directly prevent or cause heartache or a heart attack tomorrow.

5. Intense passion usually doesn't last. High heat tends to burn brightly and leave ash behind.

6. Smart is sexy, and anyone worth having sex with will be wildly turned on by your mind.

7. A few childlike traits can be charming, but immature is a huge turn off.

8. Many people are under the misconception that time heals all wounds. Especially the ones they caused.

9. No one is there to be "fixed up" into something else. Just save up your energy and invest it in what actually makes you feel happy and safe in your home and leave everyone else a chance to be found by someone who accepts them as is.

10. Beware the dangers of meditating on both the threat and promise of time.

11. A jealous friend is more dangerous than a blatant enemy.

12. Accountability is one of the best gifts you can give to another and yourself.

13. Time is valuable, so spend yours wisely. This is true even when sitting alone in the space of your own mind.

14. Those who really care about you will support you when you need it and refuse to when you don't.

15. The best way to motivate yourself is to say, "You're better than that" and then prove it.

16. Just because they say it, doesn't make it true (for you).

17. One should not "act" confident. One should work their butts off to become confident.

18. The love of your life should be the loves in your life.

19. Some people really, really, really suck. Trying to get through to them with all of the tools that will work with people who don't suck won't work.

20. You're not perfect. You don't have to be. No one else is perfect either (even if their beds are made every morning).

21. Being victimized is an unfortunate part of life. Being a victim leads to an unfortunate life.

22. We all have sh*t. Getting yours together helps you get into the game.

23. Texting someone is not "making a real effort" and it's not how you build relationships.

24. People lie. Especially to themselves.

25. Focusing on living a life that inspires respect from others is far more fulfilling than campaigning for likes.

26. "Yeah, so what?" is a great way to silence critics, especially the ones in your head.

27. Pay attention to your audience, take a little time, take a deep breath and then say exactly what you mean to say in a way you would not mind printed.

28. We are in this world together, but our lives are traveled on our own. This means you are the only person in this entire world with all of the information surrounding your life.

29. A partner should add to a partnership. If not, it is better to keep everyone else's names off of the operating agreement.

30. The fresh start you have been waiting for has just arrived.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Why Frequent Travelers Are More Likely To Be Successful

1. They Know how to Thrive Outside their Comfort Zone
Frequent travelers are in unfamiliar situations regularly. They must work through the unknown because of necessity. Faced with countless new experiences they learn valuable coping strategies that help them shoulder uncertainty and remain calm and effective. This is a key skill for success in both business and leading people.

2. They Welcome and Embrace Change
Travelers invite novelty. People constantly surrounded by new and different things avoid boredom and learn to focus better. This way of thinking inspires innovation and creativity.

3. They Know how to Manage their Emotions
Frequent travelers experience varying levels of stress routinely; tight flight connections, interrogations by border guards, and rude hotel staff can all cause ones nerves to fray. Travelers hone the ability to manage emotions and remain calm under pressure developing keen self-awareness. Being self-aware increases productivity and helps people find what makes them happy in life, the ultimate success.

4. They Trust and don’t Always Need to be in Control
Travelers have to rely on people they don’t know all the time. They deal with language barriers, cab drivers in strange cities and are often dependent on the kindness of strangers. Accepting the fact they can’t always be in control helps them build new relationships. They develop confidence in their ability to choose friends and acquaintances that are genuine and trustworthy.

5. They Manage Fear and move Past it
The key to success is taking action. When you travel a lot you put yourself in situations where there is no turning back.This makes people face fears head on and develop coping skills to take action despite the fear.

6. They Recognize and Seize Opportunities
Travelers have a wider breadth of experience and knowledge about the world. They learn new and better ways of doing things being exposed to different customs and cultures. This knowledge  helps them recognize opportunities to improve and innovate at home and in the places they visit.

7. They Know how to Negotiate to get What they Want
Travelers negotiate to avoid being taken advantage of. Good negotiating skills are needed to get what you want or need without becoming pushy or aggressive. This skill is important in influencing others and helping them understand and accept your ideas in business and as a leader.

8. They see Beauty Where Most don’t
Frequent travelers see many different types of things and train their brains to focus on the beautiful. Constant novelty keeps the mind and the eyes sharp. People who travel see beauty where others see the ordinary. This skill belongs to great photographers, poetic writers and fertilizes the garden where inspiration grows.

9. They are More Confident and Know how to Fake Confidence when Vulnerable
People who travel a lot learn to rely on themselves and are confident that they can accomplish what they want to. This belief helps them to be persistent in the face of obstacles and recover better after failure because of that.

10. They Better Understand Differences in People and are More Accepting
Travelers are always meeting new people. They become good at asking questions to learn about the people they meet and what their opinions are on their city and culture. The questions come naturally because of travelers curiosity and desire to learn about the places they visit. This inspires great conversations that help travelers understand and accept the person and their views on a deeper level. They make friends easily and are loved by many because of this.

11. They Know When to live in the Moment
Learning to live in the moment has many mental and physical benefits. Frequent travelers know their time in a place is fleeting. This helps them think to live in the moment more than average.

12. They Smile More and feel Happiness More Often
Studies show travel makes us happy. Frequent travelers smile more than average because they explore new places regularly. They feel happy because they get to meet different people, see incredible sights, eat new and delicious food. That living in the moment skill helps with happiness to.

13.They Understand the Importance of Listening
This is a life skill that a lot of people struggle with. Learning to focus and really listen to what people tell us is so important to success in life. Achieving success is about building relationships and you build strong relationships understanding people. People who travel a lot know you really need to listen to have good understanding.

14. They are Less Judgmental and More Empathetic
Great leaders know the ability to relate to others gains loyalty and moves business forward. Frequent travelers learn to show empathy and avoid being judgmental because of that. Empathy comes from a willingness to understand, people who travel come by that willingness naturally

15. They may not be Rich but they Know how to Save and Spend Wisely
Frequent travelers know where their money goes farther. Making the world your home you can choose places based on cost of living. People who travel and work can make less and live well in a lot of countries.

Travel inspires and educates in a ways that build character and develop skills naturally. Frequent travelers learn these skills and are more likely to be a success as a result.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think

I found this great article on how to stop caring what other people think. Basically, most people, if not all, care so much about what others think, which I think is quite normal. We all want to be accepted and feel a sense of belonging. However, constantly seeking others approval actually hurt more than help. I used to have this problem when I was younger and I have educated myself on the subject so much that now at 26, I can confidently say that I hardly care what other people think of me. As long as what I'm doing isn't hurting or harming anyone, I think I have every right to do and speak as I wish.

So here's a summary of the article that I thought would be useful to anyone, including me to learn and grow. I can never learn or read enough about anything :)

Part 1: Meet Your Mammoth

An irrational and unproductive obsession with what other people think of us.

Part 2: Taming the Mammoth

Step 1: Examine yourself

1) Get to know your authentic voice

2) Figure out where the mammoth is hiding

  • The most obvious way to find the mammoth is to figure out where your fear is
  • The second place a mammoth hides is in the way-too-good feelings you get from feeling accepted or on a pedestal over other people.
  • A third area the mammoth is present is anywhere you don't feel comfortable making a decision without "permission" or approval from others.
3) Decide where the mammoth needs to be ousted.

Step 2: Gather Courage by Internalizing that the Mammoth Has a Low IQ

1) The mammoth's fears are totally irrational.

5 things the mammoth is incorrect about:
  • Everyone is talking about me and my life and just think how much everyone will be talking about it if I do this risky or weird thing.
  • If I try really hard, I can please everyone.
  • Being disapproved of or looked down upon or shit-talked about has real consequences in my life.
  • Really judgy people matter.
  • I'm a bad person if I disappoint or offend the person/people who love me and have invested so much in me.
Two other reasons why the mammoth's fearful obsession with social approval makes no sense
  1. You live here on earth and outside of this planet is eternal emptiness
  2. You and everyone you know are going to die. Kind of soon.
2) The mammoth's efforts are counterproductive.

  • AVs are interesting. Mammoths are boring.
  • AVs lead. Mammoths follow.
  • People gravitate towards AVs, not mammoths.
Step 3: Start Being Yourself

Almost nothing you're socially scared of is actually scary!!!


How to Know You're in Love

1. You're addicted to this person.

2. You really want your friends or family to like this person.

3. You celebrate this person's triumphs (even when you yourself fail).

4. You definitely like this person, and this person likes you.

5. You really miss this person when you're apart.

6. Your sense of self has grown through knowing this person.

7. You get jealous - but not suspicious.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

You Have a Robust Emotional Vocabulary
You’re Curious about People
You Embrace Change
You Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
You’re a Good Judge of Character
You Are Difficult to Offend
You Know How to Say No (to Yourself and Others)
You Let Go of Mistake
You Give and Expect Nothing in Return
You Don’t Hold Grudge
You Neutralize Toxic People
You Don’t Seek Perfection
You Appreciate What You Have
You Disconnect
You Limit Your Caffeine Intake
You Get Enough Sleep
You Stop Negative Self-Talk in Its Tracks
You Won’t Let Anyone Limit Your Joy


Falling in Love

Falling in love and building an attachment are a wonderful basis for a healthy relationship, but keep in mind that staying in a relationship (or, for that matter, choosing to start one) is often based on more than satisfaction and feeling good in another person’s presence. Models of relationship success (such as Rusbult’s investment model) show that the staying power of relationships takes mutual investment and commitment. If love is passion, security, and emotional comfort, commitment is the necessary decision made within one’s cultural and social contexts to be with that person.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Quotes I Live By

If you live for other people's acceptance, you'll die from their rejection.

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun ;)

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

Let your past makes you better, not bitter.

Everything is hard before it's easy.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Life's too short for negativity.